My mum woke me up this morning, to tell me to come meet her at my cousin's condo. So at 12pm, I left my penthouse for Kelana Jaya, and the penthouse was just as it was the night before. The whole day, I don't think I did anything bad to deserve what happened to me later on, unless my existence is a bad deed itself. In fact, I actually did some good deeds, I helped my cousin look after her boutique (which was actually assigned to my mum) and helped her sell a few things (of which I had to try really hard to persuade them after the damage my mum did, PLEASE don't ever leave my mum in your shop, she chases the customers away instead of persuading them), I did my homework, and I helped look after my niece. Oh, wait! I did something bad, I dissed my uncle, but I don think he didn't deserve it, actually, what I did was nothing wrong. I mean, I still stand by principle that respect is earned, not in-born, no matter who it is for. You're just not born with respect for a person, you know. If you grew up with just your mum and your dad left you even before you were born, are you obliged to respect him? I think not, so you get the idea. Anyway, this blog is not about my uncle, I only diss him to my mum when I see him using my father right in front of my eyes.
So the day goes by, and we went for dinner at this shop in Kota Damansara (fantastic food). After which I was sent home by my uncle. Upon reaching my door step, I could smell burnt plastic and smoke in my condo, and much to my alarm, coming from the microwave oven. Fearing the worst, I opened it, and let me say that it was worse than what I expected.
Isn't it an irony? I feared for the worst, but something worse than that happened. Being me, I couldn't just sit there and do nothing.
First, I looked around for evidence the culprit might have left. I saw this huge melted plastic bag in our rubbish bin. And so, I took the scissors and cut it open, only to find the glass plate that revolves in the microwave broken into pieces and BURNT. Not only that, I saw white plastic things that looked like polystyrene, as well as pieces of very charcoal-burnt chicken.
Can you see the burnt glass?
Secondly, I was so damn pissed that I had to blurt it out to someone, my beau called and I was screaming, and then he had to open the door for his new housemates, but when I tried calling back I couldn't call out at all. And then I messaged Sunil and Hem, Sunil did make me feel a bit better by making me laugh with his stupid Pink Panther joke, but seriously, when you're hiding something, you don't think that anyone will find it, right??? The story is this, few weeks ago, I found out someone used my microwave without even bothering to ask me, and if she did, it's fine by me, but she made a big mess out of it, and left it to me to clean, which obviously pissed me off, because she heated up mushroom soup without covering it and the bits and pieces of mushroom got stuck in the vents. And so, I hid the revolving glass plate as well as the rim with rollers. These few days I didn't hid it because I was always home and if someone were to use the microwave I would have known because it gives out a very loud 'TING' when it's done. But fucker spoilt my microwave less than one hour before I got home. And Hem, seriously right, although you understood how I felt, you really really pissed me off by saying stupid things like "If you ask them nicely, I'm sure somebody will admit it." Okay, that means if I kill someone and then you ask me properly, I might just admit it. Seriously, I said she RAN away. There were people in the room that were hiding, everybody knew they were hiding! And do you think this bloody pigs of people will answer the door because they feel guilty? There is no psychology in this. And besides, I don't want to stand surrounded by smoke, knocking on someone's door which I know will never open(and hurt my arms), and waking the whole penthouse up. In the midst of all that, my mum called and all she said was "Haih...bla bla bla bl...HAIH...what to do?" which I know for a fact that I will get a long lecture tomorrow.
Thirdly, after I had finished screaming and laughing and swearing and what-not, my roommate came back and I told her the whole thing, she was pissed as well because the whole house could have blown up, or at least caught fire, and her hamsters could have died inhaling all that toxic fumes. After which, I took a bath, and my bath time is my thinking time, or something like that. So I started thinking of ways to find out who the person is. Before that, I also asked my housemates, one was totally oblivious, the other couldn't make out whether the culprits were screaming in Mandarin or English, the other didn't answer her door, and the four-sharing room switched off their lights when I knocked! Thank God, somebody was concern enough to open her door when she smelt smoke and because of that she saw the back of their heads. Then I became so desperate that I wanted to stick a note on my microwave saying that I just want to know who did it, and what happened and I promise I won't be mad. Well actually, I was hoping she'd replace my microwave oven. And then a brilliant idea struck me! My housemate did say that whoever used the microwave was very dolled-up as if she were going to hit the clubs. And if that's the case, whoever who decided to be Albert Einstein and blow up the microwave must have went out through the door and gone down the lift. So right after my bath, I happily went down the lift to show my sad face to the guards (it actually works), my roommate was skeptical. So after I told the guard my sob story, he actually said "yelar, kalo barang baru, siapa pun sakit kan...barang mahal pulak tu". I'm evil, I know. And so his superior agreed to playback the cctv for me, and all that while, I was praying and hoping that I'd catch someone and not go back empty handed.
Half an hour passed by on the screen, and still no sign of humanity...
And every minute that passes by was like a street long of lights, one by one closing..
And then, at 20:34:34(exact time) I saw her, they matched my housemate's description perfectly; short hair with white top, long hair with black and white dress. I was so happy, but afraid of accusing the wrong people, I asked her to come down to point them out and they were them! I was actually kind of excited, but I couldn't take any immediate action because they DID hit the clubs, and I've been waiting whole night and they haven't come home yet. In fact, the guard could also testify that they were the culprits because he could point them out and he knew exactly who they were. I asked my housemate if she were willing to testify and she was nice enough to oblige me.
Last but not least, I stuck a note in the hallway, saying that I'm giving the criminal to step forward and own up to it (well, the note I wrote was more of a long letter). And if she doesn't I will be more than happy to report it to management. I don't like seeing my mother's money burst up into flames. My parents are not stinking rich, neither am I. Even if I were stinking rich, there is no reason to just let these criminals go, agree? If I were mean enough, I'd ask for compensation. I do hope they didn't use any of my roommate's stuff as hers were the nearest utensils within reach from the microwave. These people are irresponsible! Running off after blowing up people's microwave and using my roommate's knife to dig at her burnt chicken.
This is the damage they caused:
1) Severely Burnt Microwave
Can you see how melted that fan-like thing that turns the glass plate is?
2) Emotional distressed
3) Study time wasted
4) Poisonous fumes inhaled by the other 20 people in the penthouse. Seriously, even the people downstairs was looking for what was burnt and the fumes were so strong, I think my roommate got high and fell asleep. She woke up with bloodshot eyes. I, on the other hand, am really nauseas and am wheezing.
Post Note: I couldn't stand to wait, so I quickly jumped out when I heard the noise of a drunken girl walking to her door, and she owned up. I'm happy, but she had this hesitant look on her face like "should I own up or not?" kind of thing. Anyways, she said she'll own up so I'll forget about it, after all, I just blogged the whole thing out. On the other note, Beau and I went to Shogun, and I had fun with the fondue there..I want to go again!!
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