Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am Jane, reaching bottleneck point

In actual fact, I am the cause of this bottleneck situation. Sorry for the whole accounting jargon, but in layman terms, a bottleneck situation, is when limited capacity reduces the capacity of the whole chain (Yes, I am a Management and Cost Accounting freak, and yes, I know most people hate that subject). Well, you can also think of it in terms of physics, using that experiment where they put water through a that has a wide opening, a very narrow middle, and a medium-sized end. (I still love Physics even though I'm not studying it anymore).

It's not really my fault. You can't expect me to run a one-(wo)man show and expect me to produce the same results. Gosh, I feel as if I'm leading more than a double life here. So many things to do, so much expectations, so much objectives, so much goals, so much targets, so many people to please! I can't help to add that my mum has been working me non-stop the minute I reached home, moving the furniture (her annual fengshui must), baking cookies (she actually bought everything, but waited for me to come home so that I'd bake the cookies, I must tell you that she SPOILT the whole batch!!), cheesecakeS (notice how I highlighted the S), point here, point there, at the end of the day, I'm so tired, I just fall asleep the minute my BUTT hits the bed (I don't know how my head falls on the pillow or the quilt magically covers me). No time for OBU, no time for work.

Did I mention there's a test coming on? Same ol' same ol' "If-you-don't-get-above-30-marks-not-only-will-I-bar-you-this-time,-I'll-even-disown-you" threat from Mr Teo. Let's see if he means it this time. I have my way of worming my way through.

You know, I feel like a H.E.B. (highly efficient being) actually. Despite all the stress, I still carry on like an energizer bunny. Well, I don't know how long the adrenaline is going to last, but let's make full use of it while it's here to stay.

Things that I still need to do, in order of priority:

  1. Have a good night of proper sleep
  2. Do another 20 articles, perhaps?
  3. Plan out Sunil's birthday ( was a surprise)
  4. Finish my OBU
  5. Meet up with Mabel and Meiyuin
  6. Get a new phone
  7. STUDY (Please don't ask me why this is not top priority)
  8. Clear out my closet
  9. See the doctor
  10. Find some place in Timbuktu where no one can find me so I can rest peacefully
How can I finish everything without anything else coming in? If the input stopped, I'm sure that I would have everything sorted out by now.

On another note, I've made a new (C)NY resolution. I shall stop binging whenever I feel stressed out. Totally challenging at this point since I'm constantly stressed. People screaming, work piling, lack of sleep, exhaustion. Damn it! Well, those who attempt the difficult always achieve the impossible.

I finally found the perfect perspective to do my research. It's so so perfect judging from how unscrupulous the business world is today. Oh, I'm so in love with myself right now. I think I need to be rewarded. Haha. Although, it has made me VERY VERY ashamed to be categorized Chinese. I know the Chinese are almost always the masterminds behind all these unscrupulous ways (trust a Chinese to look for alternative meat in a place where Chicken and other poultry are scarce). I hate it when people categorize me under a race. Sometimes I just feel like leaving that space blank whenever I fill up a form. Just today, Sunil's friend (who has never met me and seen how Chinese my features are) called up and asked me at least three times if I was Chinese. How do you talk to a person, and not sound like any race? And no, your fake "ang moh" accent (no matter how fake), is still "ang moh"-ly Caucasian and that is still a freaking RACE. Maybe I should start speaking like Stephen King. I sure hope that Machine is not a RACE.

By the way, I'm so in love with hobo bags and mary-janes. I saw one in Nike, but it had polka dots on it. (Yes people, its POLKA dots, not pokie dots [<--Peter insists its pokie dots], okay??!!) I also saw a pair in Skechers in beige and white. Loves.. Oh, yes, white is the new black now. Well, I still love black clothes, but I'm buying a lot of white recently as well. But Skechers being Skechers, the shoe cost RM289!! And here is when Internet shopping comes in handy (although it becomes a real huge distraction most of the time). Seeing that I don't really have the time to go shopping physically (because all I want to do after coming back from Menon's class is sleep), this whole online shopping is a real life saver. I still get to see pretty things, although i don't really get to touch or try them. Best of all, I get them at cheaper prices! Believe it or not, the same pair of shoes are selling on Amazon for USD 9.98!! You do the math.

Good night, I'm going to continue love-hating myself. I sweared that I'd finish the articles by tonight. I have 8 more to go, and 10 more to ammend. Oh, how I hate double work. When all this is over, I better have a bottle of Kahlua waiting to calm me down.

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