Monday, May 11, 2009

I am Jane's Obligatory Post

Twenty years ago, I was born on this very date. I still stick by my previous year's resolution to refuse to make a big fuss over a small date. Other dates, maybe. But not this one. Maybe I was hoping that if I'd stop counting down towards it, it'd be less sucky. Well, it's a good thing that I placed no importance on it, because today went possibly quite wrong.

First, my spa getaway was put to a stop by the very fact that I am not of age (what a lame excuse).
Secondly I had to see the faces of two people that I currently despise very much due to their very existence on this planet.
Thirdly I had to sit in the LRT for two hours idling my time away when I could really hear the clock ticking on me.
Fourth my nose has been bleeding and I have no idea why, and I feel faint.
Fifth I cut my finger on a plastic tupperware (grr...plastic cuts..)
Sixth I'm craving for a good cup of coffee but there is none in sight
Seventh my roommate accidentally broke the cup that Prema and I took from Qbar when I got her super drunk

Yes, I know I should be counting my blessings. At least on this birthday, I'm not crying. Probably because I made a point to be alone and not make a big fuss over not being seen. And so I shall recall 20 blessings. At the age of 20:

  1. I will have a degree to my name
  2. I will have a professional cert to my name
  3. I have a freelance job that I love and a job that I'm looking forward to exploring
  4. I am completely comfortable with being by myself, alone. Perfectly contented.
  5. I have a belly piercing to mark several significant events.
  6. I'm finally glad to have hair cuts (I used to get cranky whenever my mum forced me to cut my hair because people would laugh at me the next day and I felt as if the hair dresser cut off parts of my brains because my head felt so light after it).
  7. The number of friends I have has dropped drastically, with reclassification of many to the "acquaintances" category, but I'm perfectly contented in knowing that I was brave enough to stop myself from being false.
  8. I've been in a relationship for more than two years, something I've never done before
  9. I learn to stop bitching about my mum because the things she does are becoming more and more irrational, nonsensical and absurd. (does that count as bitching?) And I see how I will never be able to escape her until I make a point to do so.
  10. I've made friends with someone whom everyone deems as superficial, and got her to get in touch with her emotions.
  11. I've decided that dogs make better companions than humans and taking care of Kaiser puppy for 3 months will leave a big hole in my heart when he leaves.
  12. I've learnt that I need to get a hold of myself before I can get a hold of my life
  13. I've learnt not to let other people dictate my life and not be bothered by what they think
  14. I've finally faced the fact that there are people who pretend to be nice to be just so they can squeeze me dry
  15. I've learnt to face the fact that I have to stop lingering around people who inject negativity into my life because it just makes me miserable and I do not deserve to be miserable
  16. On the contrary, I've learnt that I am incapable of being perfectly contented and therefore I shall take each day as it comes
  17. I've learnt to pave my own way and not follow the foot steps of others
  18. I've learnt not to believe in something just because people tell me it's real, but because I choose to do so in my very own way
  19. I've learnt to quiet down from being the social butterfly to someone that is self-absorbed and home bound
  20. I know that no matter how much I hate being me, there's no one else I'd rather be.

But then again, that was not really the day I was born. Today is. We'll see how it goes.

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