Monday, July 13, 2009

I am Jane, claustrophobic

Sunil left today (this is a delayed post), the fact hasn't sunk in yet, but I do know that Kaiser is impossible to be angry at! But I do know that he will be a good training for whoever who will make me happier later on. I miss talking to Sunil, but then again, it is undeniable that we did grow a bit apart when he was here. Maybe absence will make the heart fonder, hopefully return every thing to normal.

I'm feeling so trapped right now, and I have no idea why. Have some planning to do, but then again, all of this is up to God. You don't hear me saying that often, but I have my own opinions about God. It may not agree with everybody else's but I'm comfortable in knowing that my believes have not made me a bad person. I'm so suffocated I can't even hear myself talk and I definitely want to be alone.

I can't even vent out my frustrations here =(.

I just hope this laid back semester continues like this. Please let me pass all my three papers. :(
I may seem as if I have all the guts in the world, but I do have a few phobias, including needles, and claustrophobia. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm in a new place, just like I wanted, but every night it takes forever for me to sleep, imagining the walls closing on me. I'm a horrible person I know. I really shouldn't be complaining. It is still a blessing in disguise, because now I'll think of getting to where I want even more, in a faster way.

For once, Jane wishes she was at home, or rather, had her own home. And I am still car-less!

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