Monday, June 16, 2008

I Am Jane, Exam-free for the next 2 months..

The dread has ended. But I don feel contented (hey, that rhymes!). I feel like knocking my self silly when I ask 'Why did I choose ACCA?'. And even now, I'm already thinking of plan B because I don't want to be like the many people I've seen who sit in college through half of their twenties. I want to go out to work, see the world, and retire way before my age, maybe freelance a bit, but definitely not slog. I've always seen myself leading an easy life. Who doesn't? I mean who in their right mind, will dream of slogging away, counting every penny before they buy their next meal, wondering if there'd be enough for tomorrow.
But of course, I do not dream of being rich and famous, at least not being famous. I like my privacy, I always have. Maybe it's because of the lack of privacy I had when I was a child. Whatever it is, I don't wish to slog anymore than I have to when it comes to this. For one, it's not a course of my choice. People tell me I can be anything I want. But my parents chose accountancy. I know that I don't know what I want to be, but what I do know is what I DON'T want to become. Firstly, I don't want to be a nurse, because I'd have to look at the sickly and the old everyday, and I just know I'd be depressed for the rest of my life. And of course, I can't study IT because we all know there're more than enough IT grads. And I definitely can't do medicine or anything Bio-related because I HATE to study and Bio is just like learning another language. And after hearing all the horror stories, I just know I don't want to be an accountant any longer than I have to.

Well, I do like drawing, and I do like physics, and math does makes sense to me. So I figured I'd be an architect. I like the symmetrical shapes, the straight lines, the imagination you need, the model-building. Oh, how I love to have the right to point to a building and say that I designed it. It was always in the back of my head, and it got pushed further back after my mum said "I can't afford to pay for you for another seven years." Well, look at where I am now.

For one, I really don't want to be a failure in life. Having to fail itself has broken my spirit. The fact that I have failed itself, has lowered my already low self-confidence

People say that many geniuses failed before the succeeded. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison. Well I'm not like that. In my case, it's like a car. Once it's got and accident, no matter how you fix it, no matter how well you tend to it, no matter what, it will never be the same again. It will start giving problems, problems that were never there before, problems that sprout like mushrooms after a fall of rain. Somethings will just never be the same again.

Anyway, I'm too lazy to blog. I guess I'll leave blogging till I start my new semester, not that I'm looking forward to it. I only have less than 10 days of my holidays left. And time just keeps flying out the window. I have so many things to accomplish.

So, today's random stuff will be the things I need to do within 10 days:

1. Read all the novels I've been dying to read. To date, I've already finished
Memoirs of a Geisha (which I really liked, or maybe because I was bored)
Thousand Splendid Suns (which is nothing like what the cover says it is)
Joy Luck Club (which was actually disappointing despite all my mum's good comments)

2. Finish reading my law text book so I can spend less time on it. Which I haven't got myself to starting

3. Draw Aunt Sheila's pictures which I also haven't got myself to starting

4. Screw my sleeping habits back right, which I'll probably do today by not sleeping tonight and going jogging with my dad tomorrow.

5. Lose weight. All the weight I lost during the exam period I've gained back. I blame my mum for having so many meals a day.

6. Watch all my movies

7. I dread this. I'm going to have my tooth violently extracted this Friday. And it will be done by none other than Mr. Pritam Singh from my old school days who is now old, wrinkly and shaking but still as crude as ever.

1 comment:

hem said...

will u ever get bored complaining of ur life, babeh? im getting bored... seriously... being an ardent fan, ur stuff lately disappoint me big time.. give me something fresh.. not the same old complains!! haih...susahla macam ni. and the thing about ur mum.. the difference between u and eminem is, he uses the bad words on his his mum and u dont, and dat is the oni differences. celakak.start loving ur mum dammit