Friday, November 14, 2008

I am Jane, paranoid!!!

Today, while I was rewarding myself with a short (but turned out to be long) afternoon nap, I felt this stupid mosquito fly around me, making their irritating sound. And being a person who DOES NOT kill mosquitoes or flies, or any other things, I decided to live and let live. Later on, when I was fully awake, I saw the same bloody mosquito again (because the mosquito population up here is not big, therefore the possibility of that mosquito being the same one that bit me is very likely), now all bloody fat and jolly flying around me. Apparently the greedy PIG mosquito decided that it didn't get enough and came back for seconds, maybe thirds or fourths! A closer look gave me a full view of its STRIPED BODY and STRIPED LEGS. And that's when the paranoia settled in. Apparently these creatures DO NOT deserve to live. Because they turn around and bite you everywhere! You won't believe what I did to kill it. I had to crawl under the bed, jump on my bed when it was resting on the ceiling, climb on the table when it flew near the aircond, and finally, I decided to use myself as bait, which worked. And now the stupid mosquito is resting in pieces on my desk, for close inspection. I google-imaged "aedes" to confirm my 'catch' and now I'm freaking out because by the time the incubation period and everything is over, I would be sitting for my exams!! :s some one please help, how do I kill the virus before it spreads? Why do stupid things like this happen to me?? ARRGHHH... I wonder if it has been slowly feeding on me before this, because for the past few days I've been having headaches and muscle aches..Shit!! This cannot be happening to me! Stupid bloody mosquito. You had better not bred in my room. I blame my housemates. They freaking don't know how to keep the place clean. My roommate is just as irritated. I hope the flies and cockroaches go over there, and not here.

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