Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am Jane's top ten reasons why my mum and I cannot go along

  1. Double standards. What she has done, I cannot do. Reason being the world has changed and there are more bad people around. I don't understand. How is it that humanity is worse now than it was before? Back then there were rapists and burglars as well. What's so different about today and yesterday? She went all over the world when she was 18. I'm already 19 now. Why can't I go see the world? I'm going to go overseas anyway, whether she likes it or not. So I might as well give it a try now before I get a culture shock later. At least it'd be easier for me to settle in.
  2. Suspicion. If she had her way, I'd be walking around with a CCTV camera on my head. I know I'm still young, but somebody has to teach the woman how to LET GO! I wonder what would have happened if I got the JPA scholarship instead of my brother, or better still, we BOTH got some scholarship and went overseas. Why does she have to monitor everything I do?
  3. Guys are Martians we cannot trust. Indian guys, they are the worse. At least that's what she thinks! It so happens that my best friend and my beau are INDIAN GUYS. She already knows that my best friend is Indian, and she thinks that we're actually going out together. And today, as she was rummaging through my stuff AGAIN, she found a GROUP picture with my beau inside and her direction skipped all the Chinese guys and went only to him. I don't understand why my parents are so racist and what's wrong with Indian guys. As if Chinese guys are any better. I've met a lot of HORRIBLE CHINESE GUYS (not to say I haven't met any nice ones), but I don't understand why skin colour makes a person worse than another.
  4. Over-protective paranoia. I know I'm a girl, and I know I made mistakes, but I've long moved on, SO SHOULD SHE!! I don't like the fact that she keeps harping on one mistake and that she'll take it with her through out the rest of my life for as long as her lips can move. I want to see the world. The more she wants to suppress me the more I want to fly away. I think that children are like water, if you give them clear paths, and freedom to make choices, they will flow smoothly and gently. But if you suppress them, or block all their freedom, they will start to find little cracks and holes, and even weak points to break even the biggest dam on earth. That's exactly how I feel, the more she wants me to stay, the more I want to go. The more she nags, the more she suppresses me, the farther I want to go. And once I leave, I will never come back. The other day, my dad's friend and my parents were talking about how their children should not fly too far away so that their parents can visit. That's the whole point! We don't want you to visit. If we want to see you, we will come back.
  5. Distrustful. To say that I've never done anything for her to distrust me would be an utter and complete lie. But sometimes, parents don't know what's best for you. If my mother had her way, I would have been in Taiping doing my Form 6 and I wouldn't be here because I would have definitely flunked it because what I hate, I cannot do. Nevertheless, everything I say to her is a lie. Everytime I'm out, she will ask me "Where are you?" "What are you doing?" "Who are you with?" "When do you plan to go home?". Sometimes, when she asks me whom I'm out with. I just simply babble a name because if I gave her some new name, she would ask who the person is, which would lead to who his/her parents are, what do they do, where is she/he from..etc. I'M OUT CAN'T YOU WAIT UNTIL I GET BACK BEFORE YOU INTERROGATE ME? Even worse, she tells me that I shouldn't walk on the streets while talking on the phone, but when it's she who's calling me, and I tell her that I'm walking or on the bus, she'll say "Okay, okay. Call me when you reach home, don't be late. Remember to SMS. How are you going back? By the way, have you eaten? Did you know this and that did this and that?" Seriously, double standards again.
  6. Don't go out so often. I know my limits lar. In fact, I haven't been out for a very long time. I know that if she had her way, she'd put a tracking device on me, or even attach me to a leash. URGH!!! Now you know why I want freedom so much. When I was a kid, I wasn't even allowed to go for birthday parties until I was 9-10. I don't understand what kind of mentality she has. If she could, I guess she'd put me in a cage in a corner of the house.
  7. Mental torture and abuse. It's true, the words she uses, it's not borderline abuse, it's downright abusive and manipulative! She makes me feel bad when I haven't done anything wrong. There's always this fear inside of me. Like I said, my biggest enemy is her. I guess my only motivation is to overcome her.
  8. Misunderstanding. The woman can't understand simple English. I'm telling her A B C, she's telling me Z Y X. And then she'll insist that she's right. And when she's proven wrong, she still has to be right. This sometimes involves a third party PROVING HER WRONG and she making a fool of herself by still insisting that she's right. Sometimes it's embarrassing. I thank God I don't spend much time in Taiping town.
  9. Violation of Privacy. I like the way I organize my things. Sometimes it's messy, but it's an organized mess. I know where my things are so I know where to get them when I need them. Woman comes and messes up my stuff. She'll dig and forage through my things, and then misplace them somewhere else. Not only that, when I ask her where she put my things, she'll give me the generic "How would I know? You're always misplacing stuff". Well, if you didn't touch them, they wouldn't go missing! Very often I go home and see my room VERY EMPTY compared to how I left it the last time. And so, I had to LOCK ALL MY TOYS in my cupboard because she likes to DIG. Everytime I go back, there's always something missing. I won't be surprised to find that my whole room is missing one day. She's even spread her violation over here, digging through my cupboard, finding the tiniest evidence of distrust. Ohmigod. Please just leave my stuff alone!
  10. I'm just never good enough. Just because other children have lousy parents and they do just fine, I'm supposed to do better because I have supposedly "GOOD" parents. My parents don't spoil me, and they TRY to set a good example, but I think they're giving the wrong signals. So no, they are not the best parents in the world. My mum has to learn that. Somebody please tell her that she's human as well and is prone to errors. I don't want a super mum if it means having her only 10 times worse. If anyone can stand up to my mother and tell all these to her face, I'd be forever in your debt. I seriously seriously am so fed up of her. I want to run, but I can't run. ARGHH!!! I better find a way to escape before she drives me crazy!

1 comment:

hem said...

i like the way u explained about children (like water and stuff) butthe other part of the blog is just a terrible exaggeration from the actual reality. mental torture?? wadehek man. well there are mums who are worse and bad enuf to beat up their child every day and dont give them food, no money for school. some even sell their children for money. but den, this comment wont change a damn thing ryte? another 'my mom's a monster' blog will be arriving soon anyways.. so all i can say is daymm.