Thursday, October 8, 2009

I am Jane and I am a control freak

You hear guys complaining about their girlfriends being fussy and petty all the time. I don't think there's anything wrong in that, I don't think that we should just take whatever that comes our way. There's really nothing wrong in being fussy.
And you have every right to be fussy if you know what you want.
Provided you're not fickle minded, that is.
Because then, you'd just be causing others a whole lot of problems.
The thing is we know what we want down to the "T", it saves us a lot of hassle of having to decide there and then, or even to settle for less.
So, no, I don't apologize for being fussy because I know what I want and I wouldn't have it any other way.

On another note, I am losing my OCD touch. I never lose things, because even though my space is a mess, it is an organized mess. I know where everything is exactly. And I HATE people touching my stuff and misplacing it. And I HATE inefficient, incompetent people who cause idle time to others as well.

There's an age old joke that makes fun of how women want to be in control of their own lives. Who doesn't? Maybe it's because guys these days have no balls. The thing is women have come a long way and I think we deserve to be in control of our own lives because we do a pretty good job at it. We think way ahead of guys and we can definitely think faster plus we pay more attention to details. The only think we have to pull us down is our emotional side, and the bitching. No one's perfect, right?

I'm just bitching now because suddenly, I've realised that I am slowly losing control of my own life. AND I DON'T LIKE IT. I cant believe I'm saying this, but I want to go home badly now. And I want my crazy hour classes to start soon. I want to be left alone, and then I know I will put everything back into order and be in control of my life again. I am a control freak, I know it, and I'm embracing it as a woman. I'm out of my elements, I'm losing things, misplacing them, dropping them. I keep forgetting things and I keep clashing up my appointments. I never needed an organizer, but I think I do now. I need to be in control again, badly. I need to because it's good for me. I control my own fate and my destiny is in my own hands. No one should be allowed to decide for me because they are not the ones who will have to bear the consequences..

I'm talking nonsense again because I'm not in the right state of mind...meh!

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