Sunday, July 20, 2008

I am Jane and I'm Lazy Lazy LAZY!!!

It's really nothing new that my mum favours my brother much more than me. For instance, why is it that she only sees the trouble I create but not the solutions I come up with? And why doesn't she see the problems external factors (such as JPA, I cannot resist condemning them, I really don't know why) have caused my brother who sits there and sings "Let it be, let it be, let it be" which will ALWAYS end up with my mum jumping up and down, and eventually solving the problem for him (which sometimes involves ME solving the problem for HIM). And believe it or not, he is still the blue-eyed boy and I the problem-maker. On the way back to KL, I finally figured it out:
  • My mum has a short-attention span, meaning to say that only the first foremost events matter to her, the rest are, as they say, HISTORY (ironic, isn't it?)
  • Thus, the reason for my being the problem-maker is that I'm always itchy to try new things, take high risks, and obviously sometimes TOO MUCH of risk, hence the problem.
  • My bro, on the other hand, just sits and waits for the sky and everything else to fall onto his lap. This, of course is with the exception of his computer games.
  • Because I always get myself into trouble and really despise my mum's nagging, I always TROUBLESHOOT (that's why I'm so good at it now), and solve my problems. I very proudly announce that I haven't asked my mum for solutions for one and a half years, and counting- she is merely only updated on the recent outcomes and possibilities.
  • Because my bro sits and waits for things to happen, the problems that he faces are NORMALLY brought in by external parties, and even though they are HIS problems, and they might affect HIS future, he still sits and plays DOTA with his friends, while singing "Don't worry, be happy"
  • In the midst of all these, my mum will be jumping up and down, calling so-and-so, her blue-eyed boy still sitting and singing "Everything's gonna be alright"
  • On the few occasions where I so happen to be home, I'd get pulled out of bed at 10am (well, at least she lets me sleep till ten NOWADAYS), pushed into the car, and driven all around Taiping to do HIS errands.
  • All my mum can say is that he is not resourceful enough, not a word of thanks, but lots of words when it comes to nagging JUST because I ACCIDENTALLY fell asleep on the couch.
  • Blue-eyed boy remains blue-eyed, and trouble-maker remains problematic.
I find self-satisfaction in knowing that I'd survive better than him. Hence, contradicting my beau's stand that I'm hard to please, I just have 'standards'.

What was meant to be short, became long. Sigh...
Anyway, this doctor, commented on my blog about my agonizing wisdom tooth, and I so happened to have read Nicole's blog, who recently had THREE wisdom teeth taken out at ONCE, (OUCH!) although she was lucky enough to have been put to sleep (not like dogs, of course) while the whole thing was done. And now, this is when problem-seeker will create problem. I blame (or rather, THANK) technology for the fast and wide spread of information.

Although the doctor/dentist's 'dental tourism' thinga-ma-jigga' sounded REALLY COOL, it'd be IMPOSSIBLE to have such an experience. Imagine the conversation:

Me : Dad (obviously dad is easier to convince than mum), there's this thing called dental tourism in India, and the doctor said that it was really 'PAINLESS' because they have better technology there.
Dad : WHAT?! Fly all the way to INDIA, just to extract ONE miserable tooth? Are you CRAZY???
Yes, I can imagine it now, although the conversation would be much longer and filled with racist remarks. Now, I shall work on getting my parents to find me a doctor who'd put me to sleep before jiggling his cold metal scalpel. At least all I'd have to endure is the jab. And yes, I'm afraid of jabs, no thanks to Pritam Singh.

On another note, I'm so freaking lazy! This is not the first time I've said this, but I've YET to touch my law book. On top of that, I have not FINISHED revising for Marcus' test (although I really doubt he'd give one, knowing him). Did I mention he repeats his jokes and testimonials?
That's beside the point. My point is, I really need a kick in the rear. And please don't offer to do so. Because I would have to courteously reject.

And so, for the umpteenth time, I solemnly vow to:
  1. Finish my law text book, go through the questions, and pass it once (more like twice) and for all.
  2. Brush up on my audit, since Marcus' voice really sticks into your head, and seeing him AGAIN for the SAME subject is going to be much more torturous than ever imagined
  3. Stop falling asleep in Mr Goh's class (sad to say Goh doesn't have as much power as Marcus to keep me awake) and start revising.
  4. Start reading articles (I honestly tell you I never knew they were 'interesting') and such
  5. Stop being lazy, stop wasting time, stop downloading movies, stop flinging money up, down, left and right as if it's going out of fashion (actually I don't),stop sleeping late, stop eating junk food (I went one week merely on raw greens and I felt so much more ALIVE). and thus,
  6. Start being hardworking, (I can't say start organizing my schedules, because I know they'll go all wrong anyway), start ROCK CLIMBING (anyone?), start exercising, start using my time PRODUCTIVELY, start sleeping and waking up early, start eating HEALTHILY.
  7. Start doing what I say I will do. I cannot stress the importance of this one.
And so, I shall sleep now, and pray I wake up early to study the damn notes. This really isn't so long, compared to my previous posts.

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