Monday, April 7, 2008

I am Jane's Fatigue from running around (and anticipating more to come)

Just came back from a visit to Malacca. I bet the post will be interesting! Other then that, my Langkawi post is way long over due, but I promise a good post for that as well. I am currently stressing out over my upcoming exams, and beau and I have had to cancel our plans to go to MMU's Prom :(
So, until I have time to write a proper post, see you!

p/s: I am praying really hard that my lappy will survive. I solemnly swear that I will back up my files and delete the unnecessary. Please PLEASE don't die on me YET!

Oh yeah, did I mention? Forbes FINALLY paid me, though the amount is less than what i expected, and besides, they haven't officially laid me off, so, I think that's very unprofessional of them. If I were in US, I'd probably sue them, but then again, I'm too sweet to do so. Or am I? :D Does anybody know how I can put smileys in my posts? Goodnight!

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