Monday, August 25, 2008

I am Jane and I've only got four minutes to save the world

I'm constantly amazed at how every time I help someone purely out of SHEER no-intentions, not expecting ANYTHING in return, it always kicks me right back in the ass. Aih, as bored as you are reading about it for the umpteenth time, so am I bored of writing it for the gazillion times. Some things don't change. So why bother? I'm going to move on. It's been a week since the results. My motivation level is slowly and steadily dropping although I refuse to believe so. That "there's always tomorrow" attitude is slowly creeping back in. Oh, when will I ever learn? My time is wasted on the internet surfing around aimlessly, or chatting with stupid monkeys whom will never change and will never listen. I also don't know why I keep repeating the same thing. Anyway, what are friends for, right? Almost half of my monkey friends have flew off. Including my most favourite-est bestest monkey ever, whom is sick in Indonesia. I hope she doesn't catch the Indon bug, I really do. I wonder when's my time to finally fly off. And by the way, this monkey makes stalkers look like NORMAL people. I have a huge headache because it's so hot and I just know that I'm going to wake up sweating tomorrow. Am considering taking a COLD shower early in the morning but chances are I'd give myself a cold by doing so. Oh, what to do.

By the way, I've stumbled across some DIY blogs and have suddenly felt 'inspired'. I didn't excel in sewing or stitching while I was in school, but all these cute little things have got me wanting to try. And so, I think I shall splurge on a mini sewing machine (yes, I know. I'm crazy. Imagine all the shoes I can buy with the amount of money) to save my poor hands from sweating while holding the needle (always happens to me). I remember when we were all forced to take 'Ekonomi Rumah Tangga' while in school. It wasn't exactly torture, I would say it was fun, but I wouldn't say we were very good at it. Of course people like Meiyuin were born with stitchy fingers, but I don't think that people like Ezen and I were any good at it. And yes, I cheated on that quilted cover thingie we were asked to sew. Yeah, as if I was the only one. As if you all didn't pay the lady at the bazaar RM2 to do your homework for you like I did. No wait, I didn't. My mother's domestic help did it for me. FOC! Secrets out. No biggie. And yes, I shall never forget our beehoon goreng with 'kepala, tangan, and kaki' as how Puan Wan put it. I remember hitting nails in and sawing wood. And yes our favourite machine, the one that drills holes. Oh, what fun! And so, that shall be my next miserable semester break project, along with my OBU. Yes, if all goes well, you shall all call me by my name, followed by BSc Hons Applied Accounting. I can't wait! I've got all these ideas, these crazy whacky ideas. I've got the materials, the guides and my trusty own creativity (Or so I think). Yes, I'm a girl of many ideas, but putting those ideas to work is much harder than it seems. Although strange enough, it's difficult when I put the ideas to work, but when the idea is MINE, or rather, the same idea is put to work by somebody else (this includes a total dummy at whatever I want to accomplish), it miraculously ALWAYS seems to work. You do the math (By the way, today I'm very pissed at someone because he used this sentence at me so many many times that I feel like taking the calculator and banging his head and then saying "here's my calculator, you do the math yourself!", yes, I'm violent. I know).

By the way, the celebrated JPA scholar is leaving this Thurs, of all days, the day I have test. And Mr. Teo's new ruling does not help at all. Seriously, Sunway should go for brainwashing. Even in the fundamental liberties it is written that you cannot retrospectively punish someone who has committed the crime way before your ruling came out. They all ought to go for decency training and learn how to speak with COURTESY. Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita my ass. How can we achieve that when we have people like these in our country and departments? Oh yes, we ARE courteous. Courteous to the people who feed us, the people who are of superiority to us. It's call SHOE POLISHING. Something I hate very much. And yes, just because the staff are older than me, I don't think they deserve any respect for acting like monkeys. I treat monkeys as how they want to be treated; like monkeys. There is no point in being nice to them because they will only get big headed and step all over you. Not only that, they'll think you're afraid of them and show you more attitude. And so, the only way to deal with Malaysian monkeys is to treat them LIKE monkeys. And yes, it works every time.

By the way, this applies to elderly lecturers too. This is what happened today at the office:
Me : Hi, I was wondering if you could please reschedule my test for me? I told Mr. M my problem and he told me to see you.
LL (stands for Lau Lecturer): Oh, you must take your PT, you know? (of course I know. Why else would I be here? I didn't ask you anything also!)
Me : Yes, I know, that's why I need a reschedule. I have to send my brother off at the airport.
LL : Ask someone else to send him lar! (What if I told you to send a representative to your son's wedding? Fair?)
Me : (all I have to do is stare in every time..people suddenly feel the stupidity in them rising)
LL : Your PT is more important you know.
Me : (your class is more important than your son's wedding you know)
SY : When is your brother flying off?
Me : Wednesday, to CANADA. My MUM want's me there (I'm good at playing the 'mum' card). Family obligation, you know. (look at LL)
LL : Oh, like that ar..... (silent for the rest of the conversation)
*At this point, another student joins me, reinforcing our side of the story*
St : Hi, I cannot do my PT on Thursday and Friday. When else can I come (see! I have more courtesy than her!)
SY : You all, everybody wants me to reschedule their PT. Why don't just don't do?
St : Because Mr Teo just came out with the ruling that people who don't sit for PT will be barred. It's not like we knew about it earlier.
SY : Yeah, talk to me only nicely. You go and try and tell Ms Emily and see (I bet my ass Ms Emily knows how to speak properly).
Me : It's not like we purposely made it so that we'll miss our PT. These are family emergencies, can't be helped (looks at LL again).

*after this, SY goes historical, and I keep going back to the point that I need a reschedule and that I have class (and that she's wasting my time). See! How NOT to treat monkeys like monkeys? This is not called no-manners. It's a matter of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. We are students also, we are humans also. You may be older. But that doesn't mean you deserve any more respect than us if you don't know how to speak properly! I hate uncivilized people who live in a civilized world but still act uncivilized. What a shame to their parents.

Oh, and by the way, did I tell you that Sunway made my RM 980 do a disappearing act? It just vanished into thin air! The financial courses department accused the hostel people of swiping the money, the hostel people said they didn't do such a thing. And so, off I went to see the chief accountant, whom I found out, doesn't even know how to debit and credit! Earlier this semester, I overpaid my fees because I thought that I had to resit the paper from the beginning of the sem. And so, by right, my account should have an excess of RM980. These people, happily debited my account for F8 with that amount of money when I'm on scholarship! How weird is it that I'm paying for only one paper? Few days later, the CHIEF accountant calls me up and tells me to inform the financial courses department that my account hasn't been adjusted and that they'd make the adjustment by that week itself. That week itself ended up not coming for the finance department because my account was just left with the same error until I got to know about it and made a big fuss over how RM980 can go missing just like that. Despite all that, stupid people charged me RM240 for don'tknowwhat and credited the remaining balance to my account, of which the hostel people took all of it! Isn't this great management? I don't know what else to call it.

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