Thursday, September 11, 2008

I am Jane, Calamity Jane

Auntie was disturbing me about how Murphy's law seems to rule my stars and planets (touch wood) and she decided that I should change my name to Calamity Jane. Which is kind of cool, since it is true to a certain extend.

Had a very fulfilling day today in terms of mind, but my wallet and bank account suffered a severe and significant drop in terms of materiality. I did everything I was supposed to do, although there were tiny changes here and there, but I still got everything done, but I came home tired and I wasted time looking here and there instead of doing my work.

About 10 minutes ago, there was a blizzard in Sunway. I wonder if there was a sandstorm at the surf beach. Lol. I was really excited when I heard the wind started howling, but as I was doing my work, suddenly my housemate cut off the internet. I can't blame her, but then again, if I don't finish my work, I wouldn't be able to go to sleep. It sucks living with other people. It's bad enough you have to tolerate other people during the day in public, but having to come home and not be able to feel comfortable or even have the least privacy really sucks. But then again, I'm not yet a graduate and I can't really do much about it (unless they kick me out! Of which I will find a way), but things are really getting out of hand. The penthouse idiots decided to test the already dying fridge's limit by buying more stuff which they didn't really need and stuffing everything into the fridge, this includes dry food stuff such as unopen spaghetti packs, unopened tuna cans and who knows what else. The fridge gave in and now it cannot be closed at all. The rubber has kind of worn off and doesn't stick. What's worse is I have strawberries inside as well as YOGHURT drinks. I remember the last time the fat-ass decided to go kampung and leave the fridge door open. Me, the unknowing victim, ate the yoghurt I had left there and had the worst stomach ache ever. It's like Deja Vu again. Now, at 3.40am, the next room is still laughing like a hyena, totally oblivious to their surroundings. Seriously feel like just taking the knife and slashing them one day.

Anyways, my net is constantly being cut off, so I shall elaborate tomorrow, with pictures. Good night!! By the way, I've made up my mind that I should stop making excuses and go for belly dancing classes starting this SATURDAY. Money burnt some more. But I hope this will be a good investment. We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Juliana K. said...

i didnt really read your blog cos its too long, but XOXO! :D