Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I am Jane having an Orgasm

I am also Jane, doing everything except study. I woke up pretty early today (part of my plan to live a healthier lifestyle) and promised myself I'd do some substantive studying. But ever since 11am, I've done everything except that. Did I mention I bought a new toy?

I now have a Philips blender and am very happy with my purchase. Why? Today I decided that it was an auspicious day to officiate my blender and so, I chose a ripe mango to start it all off with. I puréed the mango, added a bit of sugar just to get rid of the acidity, popped it into a container and into the freezer, stirring every half an hour (because it was a small batch, logic!) and three hours later, voilà! Me mango sorbet (I forgot to take pictures because after I took a bite just for sampling, I got so carried away that before I knew it, I had finished the whole batch! And am definitely craving for more). I'm now waiting for the other two mangos to ripen just so I can purée them. Besides that, I also have a watermelon waiting to be blended when the time comes. In between waiting for the mango sorbet, I also decided to blend ice scream with coffee. Although I didn't have ice to make ice blended, it tasted just fine. Except that instead of ending up with ice blended coffee, I had coffee-chocolate milk shake which tasted orgasmic.

Yes, I'm in love with my blender and my roommate and I were thinking of all things possible to blend while I was busy having an orgasm from the mango sorbet and she was testing out her electric yoghurt maker. And now, I'm going to go study, just so I won't feel guilty at the end of the day. More blending later!

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