Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I am Jane's splitting sides

No, I didn't laugh until I split my sides, but I did sneeze and broke all my stitches. Now I'm panicking because I don't know what to do. Should I go see a doctor or should I just wait till I go and see the dentist? Went shopping today, and decided to expand my shoe empire. Got a pair of sexy pumps, but I don't think they're sexy enough, although they are the only comfortable pair. How am I going to get used to wearing high heels again? Am so tired, I can't even open my eyes anymore..will continue this later..Night!!

P/s: I think the general anesthetic might have taken its toll on my brain cells. I find myself very forgetful today, and very disorientated. Been drifting in and out of class, possibly due to the lack of food, but I was a total scatter-brain today. My IV wounds still hurt like crazy and the green bruises have gotten worse. It's as if I'm slowly turning into incredible hulk or something. Been sleeping early these days and am trying to keep up with it, since I have two 8am classes now. Sucks balls..

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